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​                                                                    Discus (Symphysodon spp.) are a genus of three

                                                                    species of cichlid freshwater fish native to the

                                                                    Amazon River basin. Discus are popular as

                                                                    aquarium fish and their aquaculture in several

                                                                    countries in Asia is a major industry

                                                                    The discus fish aquarium can be very rewarding

                                                                    and provides fun and satisfaction when the  

                                                                    areas of discus fish care are properly planned.

                                                                    Discus fish will recognize and interact with you. This sets them apart from the tropical fish that just swim, eat and hide. Discus can be observed watching movement on television and they will watch you cross the room. Discus fish are very aware of what goes on around them. Discus fish will quickly endear themselves to you. They will recognize you and eagerly rush to greet you and discus fish will eat out your hand. This personable behavior of discus fish is a main reason hobbyists become so infatuated with them. As you get to know these marvelous creatures and their ways, a full blown love affair will develop.

Discus fish are considered king of all aquarium 

tropicalfish and rightfully so. While discus fish

youngsters mayeat like pigs at feeding time, this

behavior changes asthey mature. Mature adult

discus fish movedeliberately and gracefully unless

frightened. Adult discus fish take their time eating,

as if to savor the moment. They are looking good

and seem to know it. Discus fish exhibit unique

parental behavior as they raise their fry (babies)

much differently than most tropical fish. Both parents take an active role in raising

their young. This page will give you some guidelines in setting up the discus fish aquarium. Within each area there is a wide range of options. Is the aquarium to be a family show tank? Is the discus aquarium to be used for breeding?

                                                                   It is wise to first determine exactly what you

                                                                   want to achieve with your discus aquarium. It

                                                                   does not have to be a costly venture to properly

                                                                   setup your new discus fish aquarium and  

                                                                   provide proper discus care. It will require an

                                                                   investment of time to properly maintain your

                                                                   discus aquarium. You should investigate the

                                                                   parameters of your local tap water. If the tap

                                                                   water in your area is very hard with a high ph, you may want to use softened water to blend with your tap water in order to achieve desirable water for the discus. The softer water will be easier to adjust the ph to the desired range for the discus fish. An excellent method of softening tap water for use in the discus aquarium is the use of a reverse osmosis filter. In many areas of the US local tap water supplies are fine for keeping discus. However, most cities add chloramines to the water to disinfect it. This is a blend of ammonia and chlorine. Both are toxic to discus. They can be removed from the tap water by filtration or use of a dechlorinating water conditioner. Discus are a schooling fish and should be kept in groups. Resist the impulse to add a lone discus to a community tank stocked with various types of fish. A lone discus added to a community setting may survive, but will not be happy. In choosing a stocking density, allow a minimum of 5 gallons per discus.

Breeding Discus Fish

Discus is not a very easy fish to keep, and

breeding them in aquariums is even harder. Only

those with previous experience from keeping

easier species should try caring for Discus, since

many Discuses have died in the hands of

inexperienced aquarists. Discus fish are

wonderfulto keep – they are beautiful as well as

charming –but they do require quite a lot of

pampering. The key to successfully breeding Discus lies in always providing them with supreme water conditions, keeping them in an aquarium that is large enough for them, giving them high quality food etcetera. A well kept Discus pair will breed regularly in the aquarium, and there is really no special “fix” that will induce breeding in a couple that do not feel well. Most of the guidelines regarding Discus breeding will therefore be the same as for keeping Discus.

First and foremost – a Discus couple will not breed in an aquarium that is too small. A depth of at least 15 inches is required for these tall fishes. A 36 inches x 18 inches x 18 inches aquarium is therefore usually the smallest suitable standard aquarium for a pair. If you have a 48 inches x 18 inches x 18 inches aquarium you can even keep a group of 4-6 smaller Discus until they have formed their own pairs.

The water temperature should be kept at 82 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and the water must be very soft. Keep the pH as close to 6.5 as possible. The soft water means that you will have to monitor the pH value vigilantly. Soft water is a very bad buffer

                                                                   and the pH value can therefore drop very quickly

                                                                   and your Discus will not do well in acidic water.

                                                                   Keep the levels of soluble waste as low as

                                                                   possible and never allow the nitrate level to rise  

                                                                   above 20 ppm. Since your Discus will require a

                                                                   diet rich in protein, they will consequently

                                                                   produce a lot of waste products that will push up

                                                                   the nitrate levels in the aquarium. The best way

                                                                   to combat the nitrate is by performing frequent

water changes. Changing 30-50 percent of the water each week is a good rule of thumb. As mentioned above, your Discus will require plenty of protein in their diet. Professional Discus breeders usually give their fish beef heart. The beef heart diet should ideally be supplemented with other food types, such as spinach and bloodworms. Some high quality flake food will provide your Discus with extra nutrients, and additional vitamins can also be a good idea.

During the initial stage of the breeding process your Discus couple will start to defend a small region of the aquarium. Both the male and the female Discus will become highly territorial and guard this region together. They will continue by picking a spawning site and carefully clean it. Some Discus pairs clean a number of sites before they finally decide to place the eggs on one of them. The female Discus will swim over the spawning site and deposit her eggs in rows, and they male will swim behind her and promptly fertilize them. I wish to once again stress the importance of keeping your Discus in soft water. Hard water will make the protecting membranes that surround the eggs so hard that it is impossible for the sperm to get through. Hard water can therefore cause the eggs to stay unfertilized and no fry will develop. Hard water can also make it impossible for a fry to hatch.Discus pairs are attentive parents and will guard and care for the eggs together. They will fan fresh water over the eggs to ensure high levels of oxygen and they will also remove any unfertilized eggs to prevent bacteria growth and mould. Discus eggs will hatch within 48 hours if the water temperature is right. The fry will stay at the spawning site with the parents for an additional 12 hours. After that, the fry will be moved around the aquarium by their parents, and the parents will use different places to hide the fry in. If you keep up the water temperature your will have free swimming fry in the aquarium after approximately one week. Free swimming fry will need no extra food, because they will eat from the scales of their parents. The adult Discus will secrete baby-food from between their scales. This food will provide the fry with everything they need for about one week. After that, they will be large enough to eat more normal food and you can start feeding them newly hatched brine shrimp. Powdered flake food is another option. Just like their parents, Discus fry will appreciate some beef heart, but since the fry are so small you will need to liquidise the beef heart for them. Do not separate the fry from the parents until you know for sure that they are no longer feeding from the scales. If you provide your Discus fry with ideal conditions and suitable food, they will grow very rapidly and be around 2 inches in diameter at an age of 12 weeks. When they have reached this size, they are large enough to be sold to pet shops or other aquarists.

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